Quotes & Jokes by Bob Newhart / page 4


I've done more than I thought I was ever going to do. I've had a very long and very satisfying career.

Funny is funny is funny.

The only thing I have never done is a Broadway play. I'm not sure I have the discipline necessary to do a Broadway play. I know it holds a fascination for certain actors.

I don't want to find the secret. I'm afraid all the joy will go out of it if I find the secret.

I am also huddling with creative advisers and studying the possibility of calling it The.

There's gratification in making somebody laugh. It's a wonderful sound. I find myself, to this day, doing it, wanting to make people laugh.

As an actor, you generally want to see the other actor's face.

When I started out in 1960, I thought it might possibly last a couple of years. I never expected it to last 42. I take great satisfaction in that longevity.

I've been a very lucky actor.

This stammer got me a home in Beverly Hills, and I'm not about to screw with it now.

Sometimes you forget you're famous. You wonder, Why is that person staring at me?

I never had an aversion because I was active in the drama club. If I had that aversion I certainly wouldn't put myself in the position of being on stage. Of course, in the drama club you're hiding behind a character.

I couldn't play off people that I don't personally like.

The fact they're not there anymore is not a reflection on the actors. It's just that viewers didn't like it. You went, 'What the hell was that?'

Don't be silly and don't waste your time.