Quotes & Jokes by Dane Cook / page 12


My nickname for my mom was 'The Compass.'

So it's dark and the movie already started. And that first part of the movie is always some fucking cave scene and you're just like, "Can they just flashback to a beach scene for like ten god damn seconds?"

Has anyone here ever been fully engulfed in fire? It's gotta be so hot!

No one wants to drown. Drowning would be the worst. Cause everyone knows that feeling. That feeling, oh it's the worst... when you think you're drowning.

I'm fine, I am just going to go over here and puke shards of my own pelvis into this bush.

Listening to Evanescence makes me want to break up with a girl in real time as a giant antique hourglass falls to the floor in slow motion.

Drive, ego and cocksureness are all essential elements in terms of getting exactly what you want but losing everything you've got.

When you walk into the public restroom, why is everything fucking wet?

Here's when you know it's really really bad, when even the hookers in Grand Theft Auto ignore your car and walk away. The hookers in the game, then you have to follow them into an alley way, smash them with a mail box and steal their floating money. That's all I do when I play Grand Theft Auto, I don't even do the missions, I kill hookers and steal that sack of floating money. What if you could go somewhere, kill a hooker and her money could just float. You don't even need to pick it up you just walk through it and your body absorbs it. Playing that game, I thought it was like watching a documentary. Very similar to life, do this you wanna try it? Shoot a cop in the face, when all the back-up comes and tries to find you, just like in the game, hide behind a dumpster for 35 seconds, they'll call off the whole god damn search.

I invite her back to my apartment, or as I call it, the "Death Star." I'm still working on it, it's not completely operational.

Created a word game to play with a person you're fighting with. Silent Treatment. Nothing happens until one of you quietly says, "Hey, you hungry?"

Video games don’t make people go nuts. I played Super Mario forever. Not once hopping on a turtle or smash my head through a brick ceiling.

We all hope for breakthrough rebirth moments.

Ma’am, are you trying to molest me via drivethru?

I never leave a dog alone in a car on a hot day. I make sure it's with an elderly person holding a baby.