Quotes & Jokes by Dane Cook / page 8
Some people have constipation of the brain but their mouth has the runs.
I have new ideas every day, and I always want to take on new challenges.
I started this craze that's sweeping, no, it's Swiffering the nation.
My brain is very fantastical. If I ever actually recorded myself, I could probably win a Grammy for sex talk. Being on the road while in relationships, you need to learn to pleasure one another.
The problem with dating a model is they won’t go out with you if your cars color doesn’t match their outfit.
Sometimes the only solution is figuring out a bigger problem to focus on.
I'm interested in doing everything and anything that I can to squeeze that creativity out of my brain. I guess I'm sort of a performance rat.
At the time I had a basic setup, basic cable if you will.He had the holy shit premier package.
You're what we call a 2 bagger, ok, that means that I have to wear a bag on my head just in case the one on yours breaks.
My favorite sexual position is when the girl is facing Mecca and I am fighting off a wolf.
I say “God bless you” when somebody sneezes. I don’t say “bless you.” I don’t say that because I’m not the Lord. I can’t do that.
You know what you were doing while the priest was doing his little peace rap? You were looking around for the people whose hands you were not going to shake. This was church, and you're like, 'No, fuck that guy.'