Quotes & Jokes by David Spade / page 5


I can see getting married and having a family, because it is the next thing on the agenda. You can only do this for so long. I'm old, and my friends all have kids. And I'm single, still blow drying my hair!

Last girl I went out blew me off, gave me the Heisman. Straight arm, knee up. Boom. Now I call her with lame excuses. Hey did I leave a penny over there? Maybe I'll swing by late night. Late night.

I only have one note, let's be honest. But I'll play a different version of that one note.

I've got to get on myself to be sharp, funny and loose.

It's brutal. I see friends when their shows don't work. Everything's riding on making money and all the pressure and how people scatter when fortunes turn downward.

I go - that's a nice tie. That's right, Davie. Ralph Lauren regularly $80. A little tomato stain, you can barely see it, 4 bucks! Sweet.

So I go in and I go into the snack bar. I don't think it should be legal to call anything that costs $18.50 a snack. Yeah, those are nice Twizzlers, do you have financial aid?

There are a couple hard things. One, getting a funny idea that people can relate to; a funny idea or a funny script; there's a million pitches.

When I'm interviewed on Leno, just be funny, period. That's all they want from me. I don't want to tell my life story.

If I try to cover too much ground, you start to get watered down and less interesting.

I changed my act because I wasn't getting booked.

On Sundays, I lay low, sulk a lot, and try to get my head together for next week.

Don't make your kids look hot and dirty and sexy when they're 5-years old! It's really not the place or the time. You're about 11 years early.

Most of the shows I want to do I'm not smart enough to figure out how to watch.

The last girl I went out with blew me off. Now I call her with lame excuses to see her, “Hey, did I leave a penny over there?”