Quotes & Jokes by Ricky Gervais


Look, just tell me where that lemon came from and I'll shut up and go away.

You’re an idiot. What you think an African family wakes up and there’s a little goat with a ribbon tied round it? And they go, ‘Oh look what Santa brought us!

I'm from a little place called England ... We used to run the world before you.

My greatest hero is Nelson Mandela. What a man, isn’t he? He’s an incredible man. Incarcerated for 25 years. He was released in 1990. He’s been out about 18 years now. And he hasn’t reoffended.

1st of December, World Aids Day….I don’t think it’ll ever take off like Christmas.

Apparently, I don’t know if this is true but I hope it is, I’ve heard it from a few reports, when we went up to get our awards apparently Clint Eastwood turned to someone that he was with and went, Who the fuck are they?

Pol Pot - he rounded up anybody he thought was intellectual and had them executed. And how he told someone was intellectual or not was whether they wore glasses. If they're that clever, take them off when they see him coming!

No one grows up saying 'I hope I work in an office one day?' And that fascinated me. People from 16 to 65 are just thrown together and that is a tantalizing mix,

My greatest hero is Nelson Mandela……incarcerated for 25 years, he was released in 1990, he’s been out about 18 years now……and he hasn’t reoffended.

I suppose I grew up wishing I was an American Jew for the comedy and the one-liners. ... actress who does a Holocaust movie because, as she explains, it's a surefire way to finally win an Oscar.

Ebony and Ivory. No more racism now. That one’s done.

People see me in the suit and they know I'm not fooling anyone, they know I'm rock and roll through and through.

Where there's a will - there's a relative!

She said, 'I'm your biggest fan,' and I said, 'Who are you?' She said, 'Paris Hilton.'

I know I’m a little bit overweight myself. The other night someone shouted, “No shit!” I thought, “It could be that.”