Quotes & Jokes by George Burns / page 6


If you stay in the business long enough and get to be old enough, you get to be new again.

This is the sixth book I've written, which isn't bad for a guy who's only read two.

Well, anybody can be a straight man if he hears well. You just have to wait for laughs. A straight man just repeats the questions and the comedian gets the laughs and you just wait for them and don't let them die completely at the tail end of the laugh.

Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years.

When Jack Benny has a party, you not only bring your own scotch, you bring your own rocks.

A young mind in a healthy body is a wonderful thing. Especially for an old man with an open night.

Bridge is a game that separates the men from the boys. It also separates husbands and wives.

I was married by a judge - I should have asked for a jury.

First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down.

Too bad all the people who know how to run this country are busy running taxicabs or cutting hair.

I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty.

In what other business can a guy my age drink martinis, smoke cigars and sing? I think all people who retire ought to go into show business. I've been retired all my life.

When you stop giving and offering something to the rest of the world, it's time to turn out the lights.

Dress simply. If you wear a dinner jacket, don't wear anything else on it... like lunch or dinner.

We had asked Jack Benny to give the bride away, but Jack said he never gave anything away.